Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday was a self-imposed rest day; I was ready to head to the gym after my exam, but my cough was still so wicked that I could barely move without coughing hysterically for a couple of minutes.

This afternoon I did

Pullups 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1

Nearly coughed my head off after each set, but oh well. In any case, I've found that one key to being able to do multiple pullups is to keep active shoulders and try to cycle as quickly as possible. The longer I stay at the bottom, the harder it is for me to get going again.

Tonight before cleaning I managed

Ring Dip Negatives 5-5-5-5-5

Nearly peed myself while coughing after my walk to the gym; that pretty much discouraged me from doing anything else this evening. Color me frustrated.


Chad said...

After our discussion yesterday about the pullup bars, and tiny hands... you could work in ring pullups every now and then. I don't think your grip would be quite so limiting as it is on the thicker bars. Just an idea.

Kassi said...

Get better soon! Peeing yourself coughing? That's bad. Please rest :)