Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ok, so Tuesday didn't quite happen - felt a little under the weather and friends were in town. Wednesday wasn't looking great either, but I was able to skin my cat in lab quickly (seriously, I skinned a cat - it was oddly fun) and get home to lift. Did:

Back Squats 3x5 (135 lb)
Bench Press 3x5 (75 lb)
Power Clean 5x3 (75 lb)

Put simply, back squats weren't fun to come back to after a 10 day break. Bench presses were hard but not unpleasant. Power cleans were fun, which obviously means 75 lbs is too light.

Also discovered that I can do pretty decent dips on the bars of my GHD. I'm going to practice on that every so often just to get some ROM practice in my quest to get ring dips.

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