Sunday, March 21, 2010

Today was

20 min AMRAP

20 unbroken wall balls (12 lb, 8 ft target)
20 unbroken double unders

7.5 unbroken rounds, which should have been 8, but I crapped out at 19 double unders with 10 seconds left. I usually despise long metcons, but this one was an exception. If I had to do it again, I'd probably try to shorten my rest times a little more, but not by much more until my double under abilities improve - I tended to be pretty conservative on rest before even attempting double unders, because I didn't want to have to start over.

Back's feeling pretty good right now - only residual soreness - but I haven't tested it with any heavy loads since the injury. I plan to continue to take it easy and focus on rehab for awhile longer; I really don't want to chance getting hurt again, given that a. it sucked, and b. I can't work if it happens again.

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