Thursday, December 10, 2009

Did a hybrid of gymnastics warmup #1:

3 rounds
3 HSPU negatives
5 parallette pushups
10 second tripod work (actually got a few seconds without any pressure on my head at all)


3 rounds
10 OHS
10 KB deadlifts (1 pood)

WOD was

Deadlift 5x5 (125-145-160-180-190)

I actually felt like I had another 10-15 lbs in me, but it was cold (I did this in my carport) and I decided to call it a day while my form was good. As a result, my back feels great right now!


Ryan P said...

I've got to see some pictures of you throwing around weights in ur carport in this weather!

Sarah Smith said...

It wasn't quite so bad on Thursday, although I was wearing gloves because the bar was so dang cold!