Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday we spent nearly the whole class drilling the snatch with PVC (wasn't nearly as dirty as it sounds), then I worked a little just on form at 55 lb. I then did a few skin the cats and even managed a few handstand pushups, which was a first! I used the skinniest side of the ab mat, so it wasn't technically full ROM, but I got pretty dang close. Arms still felt pretty tired from the two previous days of pullups, pushups, and presses, so I didn't push it too much.

Sunday was frisbee practice and that's it. I felt a cold coming on before practice even started this morning, so I took it relatively easy and then decided to not go to the evening WOD...


Sally said...

Awesome job on the HSPU!!

Sarah Smith said...

Thanks! Getting strong is such a slow process!