Thursday, May 21, 2009

If It's Wednesday...

Then it must be time for my weekly carb binge. First 18 hours of the Wednesday was great, food-wise, but as a result of poor planning, poor luck, and nonexistent willpower, the last 6 went all to hell. Dang.

WOD on Wednesday was "Health Lift."

Using your max deadlift weight complete the following:
10 reps @ 30% max
5 reps @ 50% max
5 reps @ 60% max
5 reps @ 70% max
3 reps @ 80% max
3 reps @ 90% max

Assuming a 1 RM of 210, I ended up doing:


My callouses were killing me on the last couple of rounds and made deadlifting a much more unpleasant experience than usual. I need to fix the callouses asap; in terms of the deadlift itself, working on my hook grip will probably make things better too. Also, I was surprised by how tired I was by the last set - this may have partially been a result of doing the 6:30 AM WOD after doing the 7 PM WOD the night before, though.

Oh, got my "Door Gym" on Wednesday, so I can now (responsibly) GTG pullups until I am blue in the face. Yay! I'm hoping to get some rings in the coming weeks so I can start GTG ring dips too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Talk to Brian when he gets back in on Monday in re to the rings. He is in charge of ordering gym equipment.
