Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January Review

So in keeping with my goal-making at the beginning of the year, here's a look back at the month:

Food: pretty dang Paleo, with the exception of the end of the month when I was sick.

Fish Oil: pretty good, except for the end of the month when I couldn't really keep much down.

Sleep: not so great, mostly because of work. This is the area that I feel like I need to improve on the most, because it affects so many other areas of my life (including my ability to work out). I am attempting to cut down on my hours in an effort to improve the number of quality sleep hours I get every week.

Goats: Met and exceeded my double under expectations. Not quite there on kipping pullups, but made good progress. Besides working on keeping a good rhythm, I can also use an increase in upper body and grip strength.

WOD attendance and stretching: I didn't meet my goals for the month, but I am certain that my sleep is the major reason for my downfall in these departments.

Besides trying to work less and sleep more, in February I'll continue to work on kipping pullups. I really would like to increase the number of consecutive ones I can get to 8-10. I'll also be working on Oly lifts - something I'll be accomplishing through the twice-weekly Oly classes I'll be taking with Jon.

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