Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday was a food debacle. Seriously, I pretty much ate everything in my path. It was glorious.

WOD (before most of the eating) was:

AMRAP in 20:00

10 wall balls (12 lb)
10 box jumps
10 deadlifts (145 lb)
10 burpees

5 and 21/40 rounds

Did this one at home with the boyfriend, and we don't have a 16 lb medicine ball, so not quite as Rx'd. Got to 5 and 1/2 rounds with about 20 seconds left and was pretty fried but decided to do one more deadlift to show it who was boss. Was surprised how heavy 145 lbs felt given that my 1 RM is 205, but I know that doing 51 of them is another matter entirely, especially with the other exercises thrown in.

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