Friday, October 29, 2010

Worked on 2 rep snatch balances to start. I stayed mostly at 62 and 72 lbs, but felt pretty fast (just a little nervous about my right shoulder bringing the bar back down in-between reps). I then did an abbreviated version of the metcon, which was 1 thruster and 1 pullup on the minute, 2 thrusters and 2 pullups the next minute, etc. I can't remember exactly, but I started with 82 lbs, then went down to 72 and finally 62 before throwing in the towel after 7 or so completed rounds (with a few rounds of rest in between). Quads and shoulder twinged, hands hurt, and thrusters felt slow and were hard to link. And yes, I realize I am whining. I will do better tomorrow.

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