Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today's WOD was

Hang power clean



Annie (not as Rx'd)

20-18-16-14-12 DU
50-40-30-20-10 situps

Numbers were 65-85-95-100-85 and 8:59. Curtis's coaching on the hang power cleans really helped me get that 100 lb set up, which I'm pretty sure is a PR. And I had a double under revelation mid-Annie which I am hoping will vastly improve my double under performance henceforth - my hands drift out, which effectively makes the rope shorter and causes me to trip up.

In other news, today is day 2 of Operation Get More Pullups, which means that every day I vow to do at least 10 pullups. Yesterday I managed to do 15 throughout the day. The count today is at 12, and I'll see if I can't bang out 3 more later today.


The Humble Gourmand said...

hey,i need to join you on the get more pullups train. i got 2 kipping the other day but am focusing on working the negatives and partials to get dead hangs happening.

are your 10+ a day kipping or regular?

Sarah Smith said...

Mostly regular, although I occasionally throw in some kips just to practice them (I suck at them so far). I figure doing a few every day will end up helping me be able to do them in WODs sooner.