Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not much sleep last night, so just the evening WOD today:

4 Rounds
Complete each exercise for 1 minute with a running clock
Row (Calories)
Power Cleans (65 lbs)
Dumbell Push-Press (25 lbs)
KB Swing (1 pood)
Rest 1 Minute

211 reps as Rx'd

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

As a result of being a little frustrated with my lack of strength progress lately, I've decided to change my approach to working out a bit. For the next month or so, I plan to

a. follow a Crossfit Football-esque plan that involves separate strength work from the WODs, and

b. up the number of WODs I've been doing a week from 4 to 5 or 6. When I started frisbee again, I was wary of overdoing it, but I think doubling up and doing a WOD on a practice day should be fine. That been said, we have a lot of tournaments coming up...

In any case, I decided to do another 5-5-5 of back squats, and added on 5-5-5 of bench presses afterward. My first 5 was a light 105, followed by 125 and 135. I was pretty happy to get 135 after failing on it yesterday; I really worked on breath control and pushing through the heels. Bench presses were undiscovered territory for me, and since I was doing them solo, I decided to take it easy (lest I be pinned underneath the bar until nightfall), so I did 65-75-85(1)-65.

Did the day's WOD at night before bed:

4 rounds
20 DB snatches, 30 lb
10 pushups


No way I could do slapping pushups, so it wasn't as Rx'd.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saturday and Sunday was frisbee practice, and Monday turned into an unscheduled rest day due to some post-first day of school sleepiness and unexpected shoulder soreness. Ah well.

Today's WOD was:

Back squat


Shoulder press

Back squats ended up being 105-125-135(3)-130(4). Wasn't over the moon about my failures, but at least they were in the vicinity of my previous 1 and 3 rep maxes. Shoulder presses ended up being 55-65(2)-65(2)-55-60. Pretty upset about this, but I guess it was partially due to the soreness and a smoked core after the back squats...

On a nutritional note, things have been going pretty well on my 90% Paleo 90% of the time plan. Basically I'm approaching 40 days, and have only really had 3 or 4 not-so-great days (of which a majority of them were bad as a result of some fruit overdoses). I think I've leaned out some, but I'm not worrying about it too much anyhow, since I'm concentrating on making the right substantive choices.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Today's WOD was:

50 pullups
50 burpees


I used the red band again for the pullups, and worked on kipping (although I wasn't able to string more than one or two together). Burpees took much longer than I thought they were going to take - the pullups really took it out of me, I guess.

Worked a little on ab stuff at the end - Jon showed me ghd bench presses, which were an awesome addition to the ole arsenal.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today's WOD was:

Ring Work: mostly max jump-to-holds and inverts. Hard, but fun!


21 Deadlifts, 155 lbs
21 Box Jumps
Run 400m
15 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps
Run 400m
9 Deadlifts
9 Box Jumps

11:33 as Rx'd. Form got a little ugly toward the end and for time's sake I wish I was a little closer to the front of the box, but I was pleased to finish as Rx'd. I need to really focus on taking fewer breaks when doing workouts like this. Then I won't end up just catching up on the runs - I'll be working ahead!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today's WOD was

On the minute complete:
5 DB Thrusters, 30 lbs
10 Box Jumps, 20 in

I did 10 rounds in exactly 10 minutes using 25 lb DBs. It was kind of a punk out for me to do just 10 rounds, since I finished before the 10 minute buzzer, but eh - 10 rounds was plenty, and I just wasn't feeling it. In any case, I'll live to fight another day.
Monday's WOD was:

5 rounds

8 power snatches, 65 lb
8 pullups, red band

10:40, I think. I took a little longer than the others, but I was really happy to do the snatches at the Rx'd weight, and even though pullups still frustrate me, I was happy to do all of the pullups at a lower level than the red band. Next time I'm going to try it at an even lower band, even if I end up just stringing singles together (so long as it doesn't take me forever).

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds of:

1. Wall-ball: 16 pound ball, 8 ft target. (Reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 55 pounds (Reps)
3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
4. Push-press: 55 pounds (Reps)
5. Row: calories (Calories)

Score was 255 as Rx'd, which is a pretty decent improvement over my Foundations FGB score of 220-something (and was definitely not as Rx'd). It was also pretty impressive considering the wicked noon heat and some pretty terrible (and not in my favor) counting!
Friday's WOD was:



Ring Dips


All pullups were unassisted. First two sets of ring dips were supported by a bench, but the last three were supported by a person, which made it harder. Ankles were pretty tight by the time I got to the end of the dips, so I didn't do the double unders.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today was:

4 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlift
10 Front Squat
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Push Jerk


Did the first round at 80 lbs, but stripped down to 75 for the rest. Felt terrible during the workout, but also felt like I took too many breaks...

Drove down to Williamsburg today in the afternoon, and am now suffering from some serious workout/drive-related soreness. Iced my butt and right quad this evening, and it felt somewhat better, but wow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday was a planned rest day. Tuesday turned into one because I worked at the bike shop all day and my feets were hurting. Wednesday I did a frisbee workout called Snertz with a teammate. Basically, Snertz is a bunch of agility and short-distance sprinting drills. I kind of wished I'd worn my cleats for it, since we did it on grass, but I felt pretty good throughout. Perhaps next time I'll time it to get a better sense of how long the workout takes...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday was frisbee practice, so no additional WOD. I may do 2-a-days at some point, but I'm not quite ready for it yet.

Sunday's WOD was

21 hang snatches, 55 lb
15 situps
15 hang snatches
30 situps
9 hang snatches
45 situps


I decided to go the full squat depth snatch route, even though lots of folks were doing the power snatch in my class. Figured it would do me good to get the practice in on a high rep snatch workout, and I actually felt pretty good throughout, other than my grip going all to hell by the end.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I still felt pretty beat up on Thursday, so it turned into a rest day. Friday's WOD was:

4 rounds
9 24" box jumps
6 85# squat cleans
3 hspus (w/ help of blue band)


Squat cleans were definitely the biggest challenge. Rx'd is 95#, so it's not that far away. HSPUs were probably a little too easy - maybe next time I should try a slightly harder way of doing them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tough day today. Didn't feel good going in (legs still feel kinda dead), and my performance reflected as such:



50 burpees for time



Don't think I've done 5-5-5 before, so I guess it's a personal best. Still didn't feel great about them, though - I think I may have lost some strength over the past few months. Beat my last 50 burpee time by 2 seconds, and still think I could have done better. I need to remember to avoid taking any rests, and just power through - keeping moving the entire time is better than burning out and having to rest.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday and Sunday were spent in Charlotte, NC, at my first serious ultimate frisbee tournament in over 2.5 years, and there was plenty of sprinting to be had, so they both count as workout days. Sore does not adequately describe how I felt on the Sunday evening drive home.

Tuesday's WOD was:

For time:
25 Thrusters, 65 lbs
30 Pullups
15 Superman
15 Situps
15Thruster, 65 lbs
20 Pullups
30 Superman
30 Situps
5 Thruster, 65 lbs
10 Pullups
45 Superman
45 Situps


Once again, pullups were the limiting factor.